Coaching on
Stress management & Burnout prevention

I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I can teach you to ask yourself the right questions.

Hello dear colleague 

As a dedicated healthcare professional, we are constantly helping others and trying to make a difference in people's lives.

We have rewarding jobs but with long hours, high demands and pressure to always perform at our best.

It’s can take its toll on our mental and/or physical well being.

Are you struggling with feelings of stress, anxiety, compassion fatigue, shame, guilt, regret…that are keeping you stuck and blocking you from living your best life or becoming the best version of you?

Are you feeling overwhelmed and want to improve your work-life balance.

Do you want to improve your relationships?

Perhaps you just want to have a talk or you need some peer support and are reluctant to discuss this with a coworker.

Don't worry, I am here for you.

As a healthcare provider and human myself, I can relate. I have probably been there myself.

I’ve got your back.

I offer a six week program to help you develop

Mental and Professional Resilience

the key skills to get you to a place that is 
better than happy and end unnecessary suffering.

Ready to take action? 

For more info : Book an free, online discovery session today and start living a healthier, better than happy and more balanced life!


  • Self-care is not selfish  because you can’t pour from an empty cup
  • It's okay to be human
  • An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

Hilde Verbeek DMD - M.S.D

Certified Life Coach