The dynamic model - the foundation

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CTFAR - The Dynamic Model


The dynamic model is an awareness tool that consists of five components: circumstance, thoughts, feelings, actions and results.
These 5 components are interconnected and impact one another.

C-Circumstances are the external events or situations that we come across in life, which we usually have limited control over. These are the things that happen outside of us and are the facts of the situation. Circumstances also include other people’s behaviors.
Circumstances are neutral until we have a thought about them.
T-Thoughts are our interpretation of these circumstances or facts. They are the sentences our brain is offering.
F-Feelings or emotions are created by our thoughts, ranging from positive ones like happiness and joy to negative ones such as anger or anxiety. Feelings are described by one word.
Feelings are not to be solved for, they are to be felt and processed. Feelings are valid and they’re telling us what is going on inside us. They drive our actions.
A-Actions are the things we do or don’t do, our behavior.
R-Results are what we create for ourselves as an effect of how we act. They can be tangible (i.e., achieving a goal) or intangible (such as increased self-awareness or improved relationships). The result is evidence for the original thought.
By adjusting and becoming more intentional about our thoughts, we can influence the consequences that arise from them.

The model provides an insight in the dynamic you are creating for yourself.
I use it in my own life and really love it.
It doesn’t mean that I don’t have problems (thoughts that I am labelling as a problem) anymore but I am way more confident and better equipped at handling them.

You can start the model at any level and from there you can fill out the rest of the model.

Let's take a closer look at this dynamic model and how to use it.

For example : I hate my job and I have to stay
This is a thought and goes in the T-line of the model

C-I work at X
T-I hate my job and I have to stay

C-I work at X
T-I hate my job and I have to stay
F-Stuck / trapped
A-Keep complaining, don’t question my thoughts, don’t see any options, do not apply for another position
R-I make myself stay in this job and keep my emotional experience the same

A more useful model could look like this
C-I work at X
T-I’m willing to deal with current problems at the moment and I will apply for another job
A-Process the feeling of insecurity, support myself in my choice, recognize my choices, redirect my brain to useful thinking and creativity, I do my best at work.
R- I deal with this effectively and apply for the next job
This second model feels a lot more empowering and has more potential of creating the desired outcome.

In another example we will start the model in the F- line.
Often times we feel the feeling first before knowing what thought let to this feeling.
The dynamic model can help us analyze what’s going on.

I feel stressed and anxious in my new job, these are feelings and go in the F-line of the model.
It is important to realize that those feelings don’t come from the new job but from the thought you have about the new job.
C-New job
F-Stressed, anxious

C-New Job
T-This is much harder than I thought it would be, I should quit, I’m bad at this.
F-Stressed, anxious, defeated
A-I cry a lot and don’t eat well or sleep enough
R-As a result I have headaches and I’m not helping anyone

A more useful model in this case could be
C-New job
T-I learn something new every day when I’m at his job
A-I look for the new things I will learn, gain wisdom and grow in my confidence
R-I expand my knowledge and eventually get good at my job

The power of the dynamic model lies in the fact that it enables you to become aware of your thoughts
You create some distance and become the watcher of your thoughts.
After identifying the thoughts that aren’t working for you, you can then consciously decide on your own terms what you will choose to think.
This is more empowering place to be.

A great way to become more conscious of the dynamic you’re creating for yourself is by doing thought downloads.
They are a sort of a writing assignment where you write down all the thoughts that are coming up for you about a specific issue you are dealing with. Just write everything down on a piece of paper, afterwords you go over it again and pick out the thoughts, feelings, actions and put it in the model at the appropriate level. By doing so you get some insight In the dynamic you’re creating and get some leverage over it
Then you can decide intentionally what you want to think (T) and feel (F) about it and how you want to show up (A).
By doing this on a regular basis you will become more conscious about your thoughts and able to think more deliberately to create more what you want in your life.

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Hilde Verbeek Certified life-coach  copyright ©  2022